by Weight-Inclusive Dietitians in Canada | Nov 6, 2024
Join Ontario Dietitians in Public Health (ODPH) members Elizabeth Smith and Kelly Ferguson as they discuss the recently released position statement, Towards a Weight Inclusive Approach in Public Health. They will talk about the process of developing this position, key...
by Weight-Inclusive Dietitians in Canada | Feb 2, 2023
TranscriptDownload Here is the full text of Muriel’s comment, and the actual translation: “C’est tellement vrai ce que ses femmes merveilleuses disent : à propos de la respectabilité (assure notre survie dans les milieux professionnels, et de santé 🙁...
by Weight-Inclusive Dietitians in Canada | Nov 30, 2022
Transcript (PDF)Download Sign up for Gloria’s newsletter to get the news about her Eating Disorder Harm Reduction course in the new year (a pop-up should open with a sign-up form) Learn more and register for the 10 Days of Eating Disorder Harm Reduction email...
by Weight-Inclusive Dietitians in Canada | Mar 8, 2022
Note from Vincci: I want to acknowledge and apologize for my insensitivity in stating that I was making a “quick” land acknowledgement at the start of the presentation. It was not appropriate for me to imply that the land acknowledgement was unimportant....
by Weight-Inclusive Dietitians in Canada | Oct 27, 2021
Slides (PDF)Download Transcript (PDF)Download Other resources discussed during presentation: Fit to be Citizens by Natalie MolinaBelly of the Beast by Da’Shaun L. HarrisonWorking toward eradicating weight stigma by combating pathologization: A...