Webinar: How Nutrition Recommendations Leave Some Behind: Perspectives of an Asian Dietitian
Attempts at being more inclusive or culturally-sensitive in nutrition often fall flat for clients/patients in racialized populations, as these recommendations are often created by people who don’t have lived experience of the identities in question, and/or involve applying Eurocentric/western standards and recommendations to “cultural” foods (i.e. Directly translating a resource without considering cultural food traditions and/or including a “token” cultural food in an otherwise Eurocentric resource)
For example, while recommending “choosing whole grain alternatives” may seem innocuous, it ignores the fact that white rice, as well as noodles and breads made from refined flours are staples in many Asian cultures. In this webinar, Mun Cho will draw on her professional and personal experiences to discuss how “healthifying” Asian dishes and recipes is not enough when it comes to serving clients and patients of Asian descent.
By the end of the webinar, participants should be able to:
- Identify white supremacy characteristics and how they relate to dietetics
- Understand the concept of model minority
- Describe how conventional nutritional recommendations may not resonate well with Asians communities
- Identify the different types of rice consumed among diverse Asian cultures and the differences
- Evaluate the impact of “Mediterranean Diet” as the gold standard on Asian communities
- Explore guiding principles to help provide culturally safe care
All registrants will receive access to the webinar recording, transcript, and resources.
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Mun Cho
Mun Cho is a Registered Dietitian based in Ontario, Canada specializing in pediatric nutrition, eating disorders and food allergies. She has worked in primary care for more than 13 yrs and also has a virtual private practice. She critically analyzes nutritional science and dietetic practices through an equity lens. Her hope is that dietetics will evolve to be more inclusive and for nutritional professionals to play stronger roles in championing social justice issues.